
Implementing Neuromarketing into Your Campaign Strategy

Neuromarketing is the study of how the brain responds to certain marketing stimuli. It provides understanding into why consumers make decisions, how they make decisions and what part of the brain is responsible for those decisions. It can help you to better focus your marketing campaigns directly towards the things that potential consumers will relate to most and will most likely catch their attention.

5 Ways to Implement Neuromarketing

1. Research the Consumers Eye Movement Pattern

Using a group of research participants, you can track exactly where their eyes go and what catches their attention first. It’ll give you some insight into whether the participants respond quicker to colors, text, graphics and what they don’t respond to at all. This research can help you better set up your marketing campaigns so you have the best engagement.


2. Research Physiological Mind Tricks

Attempting to trick the consumer is a classic tactic a marketer will use. Your mind can be tricked into believing you are getting a better deal when you see a lower number. For example, marketers will price their products at $9.99 rather than $10. Occasionally they’ll even get rid of the dollar sign at the beginning of the price all together. These tactics trick consumers into believing they are getting a better deal than they actually are.

3. Adopt Sensory Marketing

Appealing to a person’s senses to your advantage will help them to remember you and your brand. By utilizing pleasant smells and lighting, you can potentially redirect the consumer’s entire experience. Smells can help to stimulate emotions and memories, while lights can help to highlight the specific products you want to showcase.


4. Lower Barriers to Enter

Neuromarketing research has shown that customers who can sign up for a free trial before having to give any credit card information and commit to anything are much more likely to become paying customers once the free trial ends.

5. Reveal Personality with a Smile

Consumers relate more when marketers add personality to their brands, especially those that induce laughter and smiles. Laughter releases endorphins in the brain that promotes togetherness and social inclusion. When your brand has a personality trait that consumers can enjoy, they’ll be more likely to remember you and return in the future.

Incorporating neuromarketing can be helpful in creating a successful marketing campaign for your brand. It’ll assist in delivering content that creates higher engagement, help to understand why consumers are choosing your products or services over a competitors and can also help encourage users to perform the desired actions you want. Neuromarketing is on its way to transforming the marketing industry.

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implementing Neuromarketing, Neuromarketing tips, popular Neuromarketing examples
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