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How to Avoid: Digital Marketing Communication Nightmares

Digital marketing is an essential tool for growing businesses. It allows you to reach a larger audience with your message and can be very cost-effective. However, as with any means, it must be used correctly to be effective. Without a thought-out strategy and approach to your company’s message, it can lead to confusion and overall marketing communication nightmares.

You must communicate effectively with your target audience; it can be a costly mistake if you don’t. Not only have you wasted time and money, but you could have lost some customers due to confusing, annoying, or worse, offensive messaging.

In this blog, we’ll be looking at some of the most common marketing communication nightmares and give you some actionable tips on how to avoid them.

Marketing Communication Nightmares Start With Overly Broad Messaging

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Ever heard the phrase “jack of all trades, master of none”? This phrase is used for people who can perform adequately at various tasks but don’t excel at any of them. The same can be said for businesses that try to communicate with everyone instead of focusing on people who actually need what they offer.

Trying to communicate with a very broad audience will water down your message and make it less effective. The best way to avoid this is to understand your target market and have a strong brand and/or product profile. Then, your communications will be more relevant and impactful.

Spamming your Audience

Once you have your message and audience defined, is it best to hit them with as many communications as possible right? The answer is no. One of the quickest ways to alienate your target market is to spam them with too many communications. This includes emails, social media posts, and even in-person interactions.

If you’re constantly bombarding people with information about your product or service, they’re going to get annoyed and possibly feel like they’re being attacked by a swarm of crazed birds!

The key is to strike a balance between too little and too much communication. This might mean sending out a monthly email newsletter or posting on social media once or twice a week. The important thing is to be strategic about your communications and consistent in how you deliver them.

Become a Source Of Useful Information

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You’ll want to ensure that your communications are valuable to your audience by sending them helpful, relevant information.

For example, if you’re a software company, you might want to share tips on how to use your product more effectively or highlight new features that have been added. If you’re a retailer, you might want to share information about upcoming sales or new products that have arrived in your store.

You want to convey that you are the authority and a reliable source on the subject matter of your product and anything related to it.

Don’t Only Talk About Yourself

Every potential customer spends every day being told how X brand is the best and that they need to buy it.

The problem is, if all you ever do is talk about how great your company is, people will tune you out quickly. Yes, you want to share information about your company, but that should only be a small part of your content.

What hits home is talking about your customers and how your product has helped them. Instead of generic posts about being the “industry leader,” talk about the practical applications of your product and success stories from your clients.

Wake Up From Your Marketing Communications Nightmare

Anything that hasn’t been working can be fixed. The first step is learning and understanding who your target audience is. Then create tailor-made content and develop a strategic plan for getting it out to potential and existing customers.

Contact Fat Guy Media today to learn how we can help you create a marketing strategy that communicates effectively to your customers.

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