business marketing

Web Design Creates a Foundation for Digital Business Marketing

Digital business marketing is a complex operation. In order to get started, you first must have an up-to-date website. It is the foundation from which marketing campaigns are built. From its branding elements to its analysis tools, your website is really what makes inbound marketing possible.

The 5 Website Building Blocks of Business Marketing

1)      Branding

Promotional campaigns start well before the first messages are posted on Facebook. A company’s branding often sets the tone of promotional campaigns.

Elements, such as a logo and color scheme, are typically used across all your marketing channels.

Before creating a marketing strategy, think about the branding on your website. Once that is firmly set, you will be able to better craft consistent messaging across all marketing channels.

Designer team sketching a logo in digital design studio on computer, creative graphic drawing skills for marketing and branding

2)      User Experience

If you are considering business marketing services, you will probably need more than a one-page website. Ideally, your site should focus on providing excellent user experience.

This could include design elements, like a hamburger navigation, a series of internal backlinks or even a search function. A website with great user experience typically delivers better digital marketing results.

3)      SEO

SEO is another building block of web design. This organic marketing strategy is often part of the initial web design process.

By adding relevant keywords to your website’s content, your company’s chances of ranking highly on search engine results pages greatly increases. SEO is a proven way to build organic website traffic, which can complement many types of paid advertising campaigns.

4)      Conversion Paths

There’s a lot more to inbound marketing than simply slapping a display ad on a website. In order to attract qualified leads to your website, web design agencies build conversion paths for visitors to follow.

For example, your pay-per-click ad might lead to a service page on your website, which has a call-to-action button that collects contact information. From this process, your company can gain more prospects to include on email marketing lists.

This type of conversion path helps your business capture more leads than if users were simply directed to your home page.

Businessperson using laptop computer in the meeting room.

5)      Analysis

One of the greatest advantages of digital marketing is its potential for measurement. From the number of page visits to the amount of forms filled out, there is an endless amount of marketing metrics at your fingertips.

For example, analytics tools can provide vital information, like how long visitors stayed on your website’s pages, or how many of them visited one page and then navigated away.

However, none of this would be possible without a fully-functional website, which can provide a strong foundation for all types of inbound marketing campaigns. Like peanut butter and jelly, web design and marketing work better together.

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business marketing, digital business marketing, web design, web development
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