How a Social Media Strategy Helps You Give Your Brand a Voice

A brand voice needs to be clear, authentic, and consistent across all platforms. It might be challenging to nail it down, but you can use social media strategy to refine and develop the voice.

What is a Brand Voice?

Anytime a business engages with its social media audience, it exercises its brand voice. Simply put, a brand voice is a distinct personality a brand builds due to its communications. Having a brand voice enables businesses to showcase their unique personality.

How a Social Media Strategy Helps You Build A Brand Voice

Social Media is one of the most crucial components for building a brand voice.

Social media started as a network for keeping in touch with friends and making new connections. Today, it can be a great tool to interact with customers and increase brand awareness. But, if you want to stand out from the crowd, you need to have a social media strategy, and we’re here to help you.

Crafting a social media strategy equips you with the necessary tools to help you achieve short-term and long-term objectives and track business performance. Below are some steps that can help you accomplish your goals:

1. Research Your Competition

The first of many branding tips is to research your competition. Start by looking up other companies that are targeting the same market as you. Next, check your competitor’s website and social media and note their strengths, style, and tone.

2. Write As You Talk

This means avoiding jargon. Fancy words take up space while saying very little. Make sure your post captions get to the point and get your brand’s message across.

3. Determine Your Brand’s Core Values

Your brand’s core values are a vital part of how you present your business. Today’s consumers are much more eager to buy from companies that align with their values.

Here are some tips:

  • Determine which values are important for your brand to succeed
  • Encourage employee input
  • Prioritize the value that matters most to you and think about how you want people to perceive your brand.

4. Build Your Brand’s Voice

Your Social Media Strategy must have these Three C’s (Culture, Community, Conversation):

  • Culture- What does your company stand for? What makes you stand out from all the others? Your unique qualities make your culture special, which should be a pillar of developing your voice.
  • Community- Listening to how your community speaks can help you to better connect with them. You can use their language and meet them on their terms.
  • Conversation- Personality and authenticity are key. What do you want to add to the conversation? As you think about what you can offer, you’ll start to see a better picture of where your voice might fit.

Having a distinctive brand voice can help your business thrive on social media. Customers want to interact with brands and learn about the company’s ethos and culture.

If you need help creating the perfect social media strategy to increase your brand’s recognition contact Fat Guy Media.

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