Landing page design

How to Create a Landing Page Design That’ll Influence Conversions

While some people may not care about what their landing page design looks like, it’s actually a very vital part of your marketing strategy. Landing pages are known as the hub of lead generation efforts, because you can receive the most conversations due to them. Meaning, if it’s poorly designed, there is a better chance that people who go to your landing page will bounce off before they actually look at what you have to offer. This list of tips will help you to ensure you have valuable landing pages.

landing page design

Landing Page Design Guidelines

While there isn’t one design that everyone can use to create the perfect landing page, there are general guidelines that can lead you in the right direction. Every landing page is different and are set up to be the most successful for the companies’ target buyers. When creating your landing page, you must consider the:

  • Audience
  • Purpose
  • Intent
  • Product
  • Angle
  • Focus
  • Industry
  • Niche
  • Perception
  • Buy-in
  • Cost
  • Messaging
  • Value proposition
  • Testimonial approach

Once taking all of this into consideration and following the general guidelines to a good design, you will be able to achieve a successful landing page design that will in turn, benefit your company.

landing page design

7 Essential Landing Page Design Elements

  1. An eye-catching headline
  2. Persuasive sub headings
  3. Photos/ Visual content
  4. Explain what you’re offering
  5. Have clear ways for them to contact you
  6. Guarantee them something to get them to sign up
  7. A great Call-To-Action

Other important aspects to remember is that you don’t want to clutter your page. The most ideal tactic is to use minimal copy and bulleted lists. Security badges are also a good addition, because they allow the customers to know that their information will be protected while they are on your site.

A landing page is important, because it drives traffic and improves your SEO in order to build your brand. It is very crucial that you have a good landing page design so you can have new people convert. When effective, your landing page can be very instrumental in growing your company and converting leads into customers.Learn More

Landing page design guide, Landing page design tips
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