How to Build a Short-Term Marketing Campaign

Marketing campaigns are organized, strategized efforts to promote a specific company goal, such as raising awareness of a new product or capturing customer feedback. A short-term campaign will run for only a defined period before its deadline.

What Makes a Great Marketing Campaign?

A marketing campaign should have creative assets to match. Whether it’s a social ad graphic, a video commercial, or an interactive infographic, make sure your designs are professional and fitting for the goal of the campaign.

Here are a few tactics that can help you achieve short-term marketing success: pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns are a way to become visible to new customers quickly. PPC advertising platforms like Google have an enormous amount of daily users and allow ads to be shown to very granular audiences.

5 BACK-TO-SCHOOL Marketing Ideas

1. Embrace Digital Marketing and eCommerce

Digital advertising for short-term campaigns, such as back-to-school promotions, can significantly increase your web traffic and overall sales. A well-curated Instagram grabs attention, especially from younger people.

2. Follow Back-To-School Trends

Keeping up with current back-to-school trends can easily get overwhelming, but embracing a few will benefit your back-to-school promotions. Whatever trends you choose to go with, will surely resonate with a portion of your desired audience.

3. Giveaways and Contests

This is one of the most effective promotional tactics that every retailer should consider. A giveaway can generate the viral publicity that every retailer dream of. It takes a strategic analysis of your inventory and costs. You must also be sure that any potential losses would not be catastrophic for your business. Partnering with influential brands for a giveaway or making it into a contest are good ways of increasing interest and revenue.

4. Create a Better Digital Marketing Experience with Your Marketing Campaign

Focus on the kids! Sure, it’s great to market to teachers, parents, and college students, but most of the buying power comes from the children and what they want. A great way to attract their attention is by incorporating a more engaging store experience. Set up coloring stations with different crayons, markers, and notebooks. Host an event that will bring in groups of kids and parents alike.

5. Be a Helpful Source of Information

Consumers don’t always know what they want. If that’s the case, they would appreciate help from retailers who truly understand and believe in their products. This is especially the case for parents shopping for their kids. They want to spend their money on the best products at the best value.

When Should You Start Promoting Back-to-School?

The best time to start back-to-school promotions is in late June and early July. You want to give some time from when the previous school ended. Yet, give enough time for those families who like to get a head start before the rush!

At Fat Guy Media, we have the tools to execute a back-to-school campaign around your needs. Contact us today to get started!


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