SEO Myths

4 Widespread SEO Myths that Just Won’t Go Away

When you’ve been in the SEO business for as long as us, you’re bound to hear some crazy things. That’s especially true when it comes to the legitimacy and inner workings of the search engine optimization process. But fear not—Fat Guy is here to bust some common SEO myths that we’ve heard throughout the years.

Dispelling the Top SEO Myths of All-Time

It’s a One-Time Thing

One of the biggest misconceptions about SEO is that it’s just a one-time deal. In fact, too many marketers believe that a single SEO campaign is enough for success. However, in reality, SEO takes time and, oftentimes, many different attempts.

If you’re expecting success from SEO right off the bat, you’re going about it the wrong way. SEO needs time to develop. Not to mention, best practices and techniques change all of the time. Therefore, in order to truly get the most out of your campaigns, it’s best to think of SEO as an ongoing effort.

SEO data analysis on a computer

SEO Doesn’t Work

An SEO myth we’ve heard time and time again is that the practice just flat-out doesn’t work. Apparently, some people are under the impression that search engine optimization is some type of digital snake oil. However, as SEO specialists, we’re here to tell you that this belief couldn’t be further from the truth.

Oftentimes, these kinds of statements come from those that did not properly invest the time or effort into their campaigns. Besides, anyone with legitimate experience in SEO will tell you that it significantly works for those who work at it.

Hand stacking SEO icons

It’s All Keywords

Although keywords are important, they aren’t the be-all and end-all of your SEO strategy. Sure, in the infancy of search engines, keyword density was essential for SEO, but that’s no longer the case.

These days, SEO extends much further than simple keywords. In fact, the relevancy and context of your content is a lot more influential when it comes to ranking search queries. In the end, although keywords are still widely used, they aren’t nearly as important as they used to be.

SEO Data analysis

Social Signals are Key

Although some people don’t believe it, the effectiveness of social signals is just another SEO myth. The fact of the matter is that social signals for platforms like Facebook and Twitter do not directly affect search ranking.

However, that’s not to say they’re useless in terms of online marketing. Actually, they can go quite a long way towards boosting your reputation and branding. But as far as SEO goes, they’re not that impactful.

Don’t let these SEO myths obfuscate your efforts. Get out there and try your best to optimize your website and content today!

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branding, content marketing, digital marketing, search engine optimization, SEO
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