email marketing campaigns

3 Fun (yet still very Effective) Email Marketing Campaigns

With billions of emails sent every day, competition is tougher than ever for the attention of consumers. To get recipients to actually open and click your messages, you can’t rely on tired old tactics. Some of today’s top-performing email marketing campaigns are effective, because they don’t take themselves too seriously.

What is Email Marketing?

According to HubSpot, “Email marketing is the practice of sending various types of content to a list of subscribers via email. This content can serve to generate website traffic, leads, or even product signups for a business. It’s important that an email campaign’s recipients have personally opted in to receive this content, and that each newsletter offers something of value to them.”

What Email Marketing Campaigns Achieve

There’s no doubt email is one of the top inbound marketing channels. Forty times more effective than social media, email marketing campaigns are a must have in any digital marketing package.

Regular email marketing provides many key benefits, including:

What makes for Effective Email Marketing?

The average office worker receives 121 emails per day. To get your emails opened, follow these best practices.

3 Fun yet Effective Email Marketing Campaigns

1)      BuzzFeed

BuzzFeed usually wins followers with irreverent email marketing campaigns like this one. Its email messages stand out from most competitors’ generic newsletters of frequently posted blogs.

An email marketing newsletter

2)      Starbucks

In this email message, Starbucks uses its classic coffee cup to welcome patrons to its Starbucks insider list. This creative graphic directs the recipient’s attention down toward additional information about exclusive offers and more.

An email marketing message from Starbucks

3)      Headspace

Headscape, a meditation app, had big success with its email marketing campaigns that played off of the company’s branding. One message made its logo look like different types of sushi, which someone could “choose for 2018.”

An email from a meditation company

Email marketing campaigns like these three get results, because they stand out much more than just another sales announcement. Increasingly, companies are adding new prospects to their sales funnel with fun and creative email marketing strategies.

Download Our Handbook of the 10 tips you need to know about e-mail marketing


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